What is fashion?

What is fashion?

Is fashion…fashionable? Shouldn't we dress for what makes us comfortable and happy?

Fashion is a fickle lady.

We all dance with her. Different songs and different dances. Some are fast and furious, fully committed, whilst others are slow and easy, just going with the flow. I’m not sure where I fall on this sliding scale of materialism. Somewhere above track pants and thongs at the supermarket and somewhere below skinny jeans, boat shoes and a bow tie on a Hawaiian shirt.

Here’s the question I’m constantly asking myself: Is fashion…fashionable?

Here is one of the many definitions I found –

Fashion is a general term for a popular style or practice, especially in clothing, footwear, accessories, makeup, body piercing or furniture. “Fashion” refers to a distinctive; however, often-habitual trend in a look and dress up of a person, as well as to prevailing styles in behavior. “Fashion” usually is the newest creations made by designers and are bought by only a few number of people; however, often those “fashions” are translated into more established trends.

Fair enough, that all seems fine. I also understand that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, with fashion being often considered a form of beauty. Okay, sure, let's run with that.

Beauty or beast?

The part of fashion I don’t understand is where some people choose to follow a particular trend, seemingly ignorant to the fact that it looks completely wrong on them. Like large people in tights, or skinny guys in skinny leg jeans, or almost anyone in black, thick-rimmed 1960s-style glasses.

These are pretty much everywhere right now and they suit about 0.0023% of the population.

Don’t get me wrong, I think everyone should have their own style. Be individual. After all, that is really what fashion is all about.

But every face is a unique shape. Some are oval, round, almond or even squarish. That’s why they make so many different types of glasses. So many people seem to disregard this fact and wear them anyway. It ends up just marring their features.

And don’t even get me started on the frames with no lenses…

What gives me the right?

No doubt there are folks who would argue against any perspective I offer on fashion. “What gives you the authority to say what looks good and what doesn’t?” they’d say. “Have you studied fashion? What do you know about style, taste or individuality?”

Absolutely nothing. Nothing gives me any more authority to comment on the fashion choices of others. But then, who can? Most of the people who proffer opinions on fashion wear clothes, hairstyles and makeup that is quite…well, let’s say unique. But doesn’t this uniqueness disqualify them from being defined as fashionable, per their own rules?

The first definition of fashion again:

Fashion is a general term for a popular style or practice, especially in clothing, footwear, accessories, makeup, body piercing or furniture.

So to be fashionable, you have to look like everyone else.


What’s it all about then?

Wearing what’s in right now, or finding your own style?

I would say, somewhere in the middle. After all, we all seek the approval of others. Our peers, family and coworkers. We may not admit it, but we do. It’s what builds a successful society. So we try to fit in. We dress and act like those we surround ourselves with. It comes from a deep-down survival mechanism: blending with our environment.

My fashion sense. Or whatever you would call it.

My own style is somewhat anti-fashion.

Actually, that’s a lie. I fit in with everyone else most of the time. My difference is brands, or lack thereof.

I actively seek out clothes that have no visible branding. This is pretty hard sometimes, and it certainly isn’t a hard and fast rule. But I like my clothes to represent me as a person, not the brands I like.

I like to think that my style is an outward reflection of who I am.

My point.

In the end, it’s what makes you comfortable and happy.

A piece of advice: don’t embrace a style that you think doesn’t work on you, just because it’s in fashion. Life is too short to feel unhappy.

Photo by Raden Prasetya on Unsplash

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